I'm Just An Ordinary Woman ^_^

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Grape World: Amazing!!

Amazing!!... That's the only word that could described what I felt when I saw the flower of my Japanese variety grape, Pione, for the first time. Many friends in FB Grape Lover Group complaining that Japanese varieties was hard to plant in Indonesia. It was need some special treatment like the use of some "booster" to make them grow well. Some say that was about the difference of weather between Indonesia and Japan. But I doubt it. Many of them able to plant grape varieties from Europe. I guess the difference of weather between Indonesia and Europe is more extreme than Japan, isn't it?!
I don't know what the problem of planting Japanese varities exactly is. The soil?! The weather?! Like the line that always said in Shakespeare In Love  movie.... -It's mystery-
Alhamdulillah... My Pione grows quite well. It was bought approximately 8 months ago on bareroot form. I planted it on media that consist of soil, sand and compost. The growth of it can be seen on pictures below.

Fresh from Japan.. 

spread the leaves....

The leaves turn green...

grow.. and grow....

need a shoulder...

grow straight right now...
Taller... and taller...
Hey, look.... a flower...
and again....

and again....


  1. Salam. saya jauga tertarik dengan tanaman anggur. Please let me know how and where to get the bareroor seed of Jaapaness variety. Terimakasih sebelummnaya.

  2. wa'alaikum salam... terus terang untuk bibit varietas jepang ini agak susah mendapatkannya. saya mendapatkannya dari temen2 di grup budidaya anggur, kebetulan ada salah satu anggotanya yg tinggal di jepang. dan ini sudah lama sekali tidak ada pembelian lagi. Ada juga sih seller di banyuwangi yg menjualnya, cm saya belum tahu kualitas bibitnya. coba cek di thomasgrape.com.

  3. Salam kenal, mantap sekali perkembangan anggurnya, saya juga hobby pada tanaman yg satu ini, info untuk pembelian bibit cutting import saya recomended http://thomasgrape.com/category/11/bibit_anggur_grapevine_cuttings.html di sana ada banyak macam bibit anggur import dan bisa sharing juga tentang merawat tanaman anggur, gimana klo kita tukeran cutting? nanti klo saya pruning saya kaci cutting nya. gmana? br nambah koleksinya, klo bleh tau jenis anggur apa aja yang di tanam dsna? klo pnya saya ada yellow belgie, red prince, livia, Luchisty Seedless, vodogray

  4. Klo tukeran cutting boleh jg tp sepertinya masih lama. Karena koleksi saya masih imut2. Saya juga belajar pertama kali dari blognya om thomas, masih blog waktu itu, blm website seperti yg sekarang :)
    Nah 3 yg terakhir tu yg saya blm punya. Di rumah yg lokal ada maroo sm red prince. Untuk yg interlokal ada autumn royal, red flame, cherna panthera. Sementara pione yg di foto itu masih kembang kempis. Abis keluar buah kena backdeath, batangnya mengering dari ujung. Sepertinya defisiensi nutrisi plus kena jamur plus kena kutu perisai krn waktu itu rumah msh direnovasi jd ga bisa maksimal ngerawatnya. Pas musim hujan pula.. :)

  5. Sori, dieback bukan backdeath.. Suka salah2 inget.. Hehe...

  6. Sori, dieback bukan backdeath.. Suka salah2 inget.. Hehe...
